Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Last thursday i helped ah loong to have a group photo shooting for 2 events which were MSCC (Micros Song Composing Competition) and SAAS (Social Awareness Activities Series).

The photo shooting section was going smoothly for two events and I had a great moment with all the "models" (there were more than 100 models for two events). I found out that i prefer the natural shoot rather than posing ready shoot. I love to see the real 'faces' of the peoples.

This is the combination group photo of MSCC

This is the combination group photo of SAAS

i do love see them so enjoyed when fooling each other during the photo shooting. Below is another two photo shoot before the group photo section start.

Kims' rare smile

Ryan & Guitar

i believe photography is the way to stop the time because after few years or may be 20-30 years, when you check out the old pictures, you will find out the photo had stop moment on that time.


Vincent said...

Thx for taking the photo for us ya ~ =P

Clc birdday photo must pass me too ! lol~

Weng Keong said...

ya...sure..no prob.. =)

kokwu said...

i agree with ur last sentence too !
btw just know that the ryan in ur blog is TJ. haha tot you mean ryan in mechanical